About Assessment at Highline
Assessment at Highline College is…
“Meaningful, simple, sustainable, transparent, grounded in evidence and scholarship, addresses equity gaps, and is focused on learning and teaching based on a participatory and relationship-oriented approach.” – Highline College Assessment Plan
For more details and information on the strategic plans and vision for assessment at Highline, feel free to take a look at our 2020-2021 Assessment Plan.
- And as an FYI, here is last year’s 2019-2020 Assessment Plan.
Assessment at Highline is also guided our L.E.A.D. Principles Initiative:
Highline College will boldly L.E.A.D. in addressing equity and student achievement gaps through assessment. Assessment — whether on the course level or across campus — is a meaningful and collaborative process that benefits students, educators, and everyone that supports Highline College.
Click the L.E.A.D. Flyer for more details.